"The Sales Analysis module provides powerful, built-in report generation tools that we mastered in minutes."

The ASSIST™ Sales Analysis module consists of the following:






· Salesperson Master Entry lets you add, change or view information on a salesperson.

· Salesperson Master Lists / Labels give you the ability to print Master Lists and Mailing Labels by name, salesperson or reference.

· Salesperson Code Change / Delete gives you the ability to change or delete a salesperson code without open or historical information being lost.

· Salesperson Codes allow you to add, change, delete, view and print information on salesperson classes, regions, and territories.

· Commission Matrix allows you to add, change, delete, view or list information on a commission matrix. The commission matrix lets you calculate commissions on sales orders based on one of eleven combinations of salespeople or customer commission classes with items or item commission classes. Commissions can be based a percentage or dollar bracket of gross profit, profit dollars, sales revenue or units. The commission matrix allows date sensitive commissions.

· Forecast / Quota System allows you to add, change and delete the salesperson forecasts and quotas. Vendor market shares allows you to analyze the percent of a vendors product line to your customer base.

· Shipped Order Research gives you the ability to view detailed information for a shipped order. The order can be retrieved by order number, sell-to or bill-to customer, primary salesperson, invoice number or customer purchase order number.

· Shipped Order Preview gives you the ability to view summary information on shipped orders with the option to view detail on a specific order. The orders can be viewed in order number, sell-to or bill-to customer, primary salesperson, invoice number or customer purchase order number sequence.

· Shipped Order Item Research allows you to view summary information on shipped orders for a specific item. You can view shipped orders for a specific customer, warehouse or starting invoice date.

· Shipped Customer Item Research gives you the ability to view summary information on shipped order lines for a specific customer.

· Sales Spread Inquiries give management a variety of tools for viewing and graphing sales trends. Each of the spread inquires has options for different types of displays, depending on the detail of information desired. The Sales Spreads available are: Customer Sales, Customer and Item Sales, Item and Customer Sales, Item Sales, Salesperson Sales and Salesperson Commission.

· Commission Corrections give you the ability to enter, print and update corrections to commissions in the proper posting period.

· Shipped Order History Reports access the Detailed and Summary Shipped Order History reports, as well as analysis tools such as the Shipped Just In Time report. The Shipped Just In Time report compares ship date to due date and reports on orders shipped early, late or just in time.

· Commission Reports are a selection of detailed and summarized commission reports either based on sales or on cash receipts.

· Sales Spread Reports give you the ability to print any of the Sales Spreads in report form. Ranking reports are also available by customer, by item, by salesperson, and by vendor.

· Royalty Accrual Spread Reports are a collection of reports that show sales by a royalty class for various combinations of customer, item and vendor.

· Shipped Order Purges give you the ability to purge history based on a user entered cut-off period.

· Sales Spread Automation provides a very flexible Sales Spread report generator. You can sort, select and rank sales information based on over two dozen coded fields, including region, territory, customer and item classes and groups, zip code, etc.


Rennie, Lindsey and Associates, Inc. Ph: (661) 286-2041 Fax: (661) 269-5371