"The Manufacturing module has a surprisingly sophisticated feature set for meeting the demands of our manufacturing and kitting."

The ASSIST™ Manufacturing module has:






· Bill Of Material Entry allows entry and change of bill of materials. Bill of Material Entry supports scrap percentages, process and overhead components, setup and lot charges, and fractional quantities. Single or multiple level bills are supported, as well as multiple bills for an individual finished good item. Economic order quantities, minimum order quantities as well as current and prior standard costs can also be maintained in this program.

· Bill Of Material Research displays bills in detail. The bills can be retrieved by bill number, finished good item or by reference.

· Bill Of Material Preview gives you the ability to view summary information on bills with the option to view detail on a specific bill. The bills can be viewed in bill number, finished good item or reference sequence.

· Bill Of Material Item Research gives you the ability to view summary information on bills for a specific finished good or component item. The research is commonly referred to as a "where used" display. This display can be used to find all bills that have been defined for a finished good item or to find all bills that use a specified component item.

· Indented B-O-M Research gives you the ability to "explode" a specified finished good item for a specified quantity and to view the various components for each level that would be required.

· Item Prod Capacity Research gives you the ability to "explode" a specified finished good item for a specified quantity and to view the various components for each level that would be required. It compares that need with available stock at one or all of you warehouses. The components, that are holding up production, are flagged for your immediate attention.

· B-O-M Component Matrix Entry allows entry of substitute components for generic bills. The use of the matrix will greatly reduce the number of bills that are to be defined when the bills are similar and only require specified substitutions in Production Order Entry.

· Production Order Research displays production orders and costings in detail. The open order or costing can be retrieved by order number, finished good item, order type and warehouse, order status and warehouse or by reference.

· Production Order Preview gives you the ability to view summary information on open orders and costing with the option to view detail on a specific order or costing. The orders and costings can be viewed in order number, finished good item, order type and warehouse, order status and warehouse or reference sequence.

· Production Order Item Research gives you the ability to view summary info on open orders and costings for a specific finished good or component item.

· Indented Prod Order Research gives you the ability to view an order or costing as an indented display for each production level.

· Manufactured Order Research gives you the ability to view detailed and summary information for manufactured orders by order number, finished good item or component item.

· Manufactured Spread Inquiries give the production manager a variety of tools for viewing and graphing production trends. Each spread inquiry offers different types of displays, depending on the detail of info desired. The manufactured spreads available are by Item, Item Class and by Item Group.

· Manufacturing Route Entry gives you the ability add, change or delete the routing of a specified group of items, through the production cycle.

· Manufacturing Route List gives you the ability print the routing information of a group of items.

· Production Order Entry allows entry and change of item forecastings, production costings, production orders, fulfillers and correction memos.

· Form Printing allows you to print traveler forms, fulfillers and correction memos.

· Manufacturing Fulfillment Journal allows you to print a manufacturing fulfillment journal for a batch of fulfillers. With a cost breakdown, by type, for each new finished good item.

· Manufact Fulfill Journal Update allows you to update a manufacturing fulfillment journal for a batch of fulfillers. Removing the component inventory, increasing the finished good inventory, posting the general ledger and creating the manufactured production history.

· Production Order Reports allow you to print open order reports by order number, finished good item, order type and warehouse, order status and warehouse, batch or component item.

· Manufacturing Fulfillment Journal History allows you to print fulfiller journal reports for a specific posting period.

· Manufactured Order History Reports give you the ability to print Detailed Manufactured Order History, Summary Manufactured Order History, Manufactured Component Item History and Manufactured Finished Good Item History reports.

· Manufactured Spread Reports give you the ability to print the Item, Item Class and Item Group Manufactured Spread reports.

· Production Order Purges give you the ability to purge expired costings and deleted orders.

· Production Order Automation includes an automated production order release. This analyzes unprinted production orders for manufacturability, and releases those production orders that can be manufactured, based on component quantities available and other criteria.


Rennie, Lindsey and Associates, Inc. Ph: (661) 286-2041 Fax: (661) 269-5371