· Customer
Research displays the customer master information with
options to view Credit Information, Sales History, Payment History,
Open Receivables, Open Sales Orders and Shipped Order History.
· Customer
Credit displays credit information
for the selected customer, giving the collection department all the
necessary information for collection calls. You can enter collection
messages directly into the system, doing away with written notes on
agings or index cards.
· Customer
Receivables displays all open
invoices for the selected customer with the option to view Sales Journal
Detail or Shipped Item History on those open invoices.
· Sales
Order/Quote Entry allows entry
and change of sales orders and quotes.
· Sales
Order Research displays sales orders and quotes
in detail. The open order or quote can be retrieved by order number,
customer, primary salesperson, secondary salesperson, order type and
warehouse, order status and warehouse, order reference and customer
purchase order number.
· Sales
Order Item Research allows you
to view summary information on open order and quotes for a specific
· Sales
Order Cust / Item Research shows
you open order line items for a customer.
· Shipped
Order Researches give you an extensive selection of inquiries
on shipped orders, similar to the inquiries available for open sales
· Item
Research displays status information on an item with
the ability to view costs, pricing, open and closed sales orders, open
and closed purchase orders, recommendations and substitutes, warehouse
quantity detail, audit history, detailed history by month and year,
lot detail and transactions history. Allows you to accumulate inquiries
to save as a sales order or quotation.
· Item
Pricing displays the pricing matrix for an item and customer
combination, allowing you visibility on quantity price breaks and the
price matrix definition.
· Purchase
Order / Source Entry allows entry and change of purchase
orders and sourcing.
· Purchase
Order Research displays purchase orders and sourcing
in detail. The open order or sourcing can be retrieved by purchase order
number, vendor, order type and warehouse, order status and warehouse
or by order reference.
· Purchase
Order Item Research allows you to view summary information
on open orders and sourcing for a specific item.
· Purchase
Order Vendor / Item Research shows you open purchase
order line items for a vendor.
· Received
Order Researches gives you an extensive selection of inquiries on received purchase
orders, similar to the inquiries available for open purchase orders.
· Vendor
Research displays the vendor master information with
options to view Purchase History, Open Invoices, Open Orders, Payment
History, Receipts History and Vendor Status.